I am currently in my quadcopter assembled heavy lift and I am looking for a solution to the frame as an external iris 3dr usb port. I know the usb plug will be on sale soon but I can not wait any longer. this is why I come to you. I'm looking for the identity of the external pin usb pixhawk (on top) because I want me made me even external usb port.
I went on this link describe the connector differant but there is nothing on the external usb. if anyone knows the PIXHAWK usb Conector Pin Assignments
thank you for your help.
thank you for your help.
I'm afraid to misunderstand the Electronic scheme. I'm not a great expert to read schema. can you tell me if the wiring correct and on the next photo?
That is correct
thank you very much ;-)
You can find the schematic here https://github.com/PX4/Hardware
please it's urgent!
I have emailed 3DR Engineering to provide you with an answer.