In Mission Planner when I attempt to arm the hexacopter it shows as armed but the motors do not start spinning and increasing the throttle has no effect. The ESC's seem to be powered as they beep every few seconds although I tried a ESC calibration, not sure if it worked as after I finished it motors did not start spinning. ESC's are plugged into the APM flight controller properly and all motors are connected to the ESC's. It has been working before but now it won't arm. Any help is much appreciated I've tried radio calibrations and recalibrated accelerometer and i've also done a compass calibration.
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Yes I am able to arm it at least in mission planner it claims to be armed although I don't know if the actual helicopter is armed as the motors don't spin. And yes it is getting a 3D fix. It was awhile since I last armed it a few months.
you say you can arm the copter but motors will not spin ?
or your unable to arm the copter ?
your description of this issue is unclear! if this just happen out the blue, was arming & motor spin before, now will not arm could be pre-arm check issue or no GPS! look for loose cables ...