"I just attempted a motor test unfortunately mission planner said "Command was denied by the autopilot" every time I attempted to test any of the motors. I am assuming I will need to replace my APM then, personally I'm not sure if it's even worth it…"
"all motors now spin when connected directly to a Rx Channel. Unfortunately the hexacopter still does not arm, when attempting to arm after 5 seconds the motors/esc's beep like they usually do after arming however the motors do not spin after the…"
"5 of the 6 motors spin when connected directly to a Rx Channel. I'm not sure if one motor can't spin if it causes all others to refuse to be armed but I will now hopefully replace the broken motor (I have a spare) it has actually been damaged before…"
"yes I did redo a radio calibration 3 or 4 times I think in mission planner but ESC calibration I've also tried several times but I'm not sure if it's working because motors do not spin after completing it."
"Yes I am able to arm it at least in mission planner it claims to be armed although I don't know if the actual helicopter is armed as the motors don't spin. And yes it is getting a 3D fix. It was awhile since I last armed it a few months."
In Mission Planner when I attempt to arm the hexacopter it shows as armed but the motors do not start spinning and increasing the throttle has no effect. The ESC's seem to be powered as they beep every few seconds although I tried a ESC calibration,…