I have been using the failsafe function successfully for months now but about 2 weeks ago I was testing it as I always do at the start of a flight and for some reason the throttle drops to 0 now and the plane glides in a circles but no power is applied. I don't know if I inadvertently altered a setting that caused this or if this coincides with the last firmware update to V2.68.

I thought maybe APM 2.5 just needed to be rebooted but I have done that several times with no luck.

I really don't feel comfortable running auto missions for mapping (or anything else for that matter) without failsafe working properly. 

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.



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  • I discovered that I accidentally enabled Theottle suppress manual passthru (Thr_supp_man).
    This seems like it could be the problem.
    Can't test for a while tohugh. I would really appreciate some insight.

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