Feiyu Mini 3D problems

Anyone have experience with odd rolling behavior and random movements with the Feiyu Mini 3D 3-Axis Gimbal? I had it working perfectly and then after making a few tweaks in the Feiyu Settings program, it started twisting and rolling hard to one side- It's also now acting as if i'm giving two control inputs at once; plus lots of shaking. Feiyu is taking a while to reply after my initial question- Is there any way to flash the board to go back to factory settings? Any help is appreciated.

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  • Developer

    Try with an FTDI using this trick, and if work try to back in the originale firmware, write me a message if you're lucky:


    ian Molesworth said:

    It's not compatible ( without some more work ) with Storm 32 apparently. I've got it all on my bench and the storm tool refuses to connect to it at all :(

    The Feiyu manuals are written in the most appalling direct translation of Chinese to English.

    Go to http://www.feiyu-tech.com/products/10/dl/ scroll to the bottom of the page and download the setting, update, Firmware (v1.13) and manuals for the mini 3d. The instructions are in a pdf in the update and setting downloads.

    Setting is to set fast or slow heading mode and to enter tilt and pan corrections. Uopdate will allow you to flash either of the two software versions. I believe you will need the 'Rocker Position Mode' for your setup  

    I'd love to move this device over to some other software, unfortunately it wont work through the USB port with the storm tool ........... yet.

    It's a well made unit.

  • Anybody managed to run tilt in the rate controlled mode?

    I don’t like the default stick position mode (Stick position in centre = camera leveled)

  • You can reload the oem software, download the originals fromthoer site.

    What had you put in to the gimbal?
    • Dollars wise?  In terms of control input; I had the heading/pitch programmed controls via a stock TH9-X Iris+ controller but something caused a debug process which made me hate it. I have to send it back to their factory overseas to debug, and I didn't even fly with it yet- I am confident with a few coding generators/interfaces it should be possible for the user-end debug? no? Maybe we're dealing with microns here.

      • The gimbal has 3 modes set by the servo input.

        1 - locked heading and elevation.

        2 - elevation controlled by servo input 

        3 - elevation and azimuth controlled by servo input.

        With no input to the mode selection the gimbal drops into tilt control/locked heading mode ( 2 above )

        Whilst the above stays constant, there are two versions of the firmware for the gimbal.

        One, called 'speed mode' on their website, in this mode the servo inputs control the RATE that the gimbal tracks up/down or Left/Right. If the sticks on the controller are not centred then the gimbal just keeps going to the stops.

        In position mode elevation ( tilt ) POSITION folows stick position so centre = level, and the limits tilt the gimbal up or down proportionally but ....... and here's the catch ...... the azimuth ( pan ) axis is still RATE controlled. 

        My 3D mini came with the RATE version of hardware installed so it had me completely baffled until I worked out what was going on and reflashed it.

        If you erect the gimbal with the tilt arm on the wrong side the gimbal does some odd stuff trying to reverse the camera etc.

        If you are in rate mode and servo signals are not centred when you start up the gimbal just tracks round to it's stops.

        The gimbal needs around 7v minimum to hold steady, ideally 12v, you can run it on 5v but it goes unstable near the limits of its travel

        I contacted Feiyu and suggested they come up with some new firmware. Perhaps with the ability to have several operating modes and mix and match the rate and positional modes. They thanked me for the idea and I've not heard from them since.

        Anyone have any insights into the hardware in these gimbals? I'm tempted to write /hack my own firmware.

        • Thanks for the info- I was baffled by the ways to pwm the modes on the limited TH9. ended up giving it ch7 and just guessing a bit. This makes me wonder about the ubec that is still inline; although it has been powered by a jst adapter spinoff cable and unused since my gimbal purchase(was using 7 as light switch). I had it inline for the sake of powering/charging the gopro with the updated 5v cable.

          • I have just torn down my gimbal and discovered that the board inside looks suspiciously like a STorM32 derivative.

            I'm trying to see what the STorM32 project has in the way of software, may even try squirting some of their firmware in to my gimbal to see how it goes.

            • How difficult really, would it be to debug the board here? There seems to be no literature for flashing. Or is it just the keywords I've been using?

              • It's not compatible ( without some more work ) with Storm 32 apparently. I've got it all on my bench and the storm tool refuses to connect to it at all :(

                The Feiyu manuals are written in the most appalling direct translation of Chinese to English.

                Go to http://www.feiyu-tech.com/products/10/dl/ scroll to the bottom of the page and download the setting, update, Firmware (v1.13) and manuals for the mini 3d. The instructions are in a pdf in the update and setting downloads.

                Setting is to set fast or slow heading mode and to enter tilt and pan corrections. Uopdate will allow you to flash either of the two software versions. I believe you will need the 'Rocker Position Mode' for your setup  

                I'd love to move this device over to some other software, unfortunately it wont work through the USB port with the storm tool ........... yet.

                It's a well made unit.

            • Yes, I've heard that before! And not to mention, the 6-ball version is now in it's 2nd generation (with the opaque thumbscrews and streamlined software). I missed a couple of boats there.

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