First drone, electronics help!!!

Hi There, I am getting started on my first FPV drone and still have little knowledge on the electronics. I have purchased the Dragonlink TX module for my Futaba 9CAP radio. I have also locked in on a purchase of a 2.4Ghz 1 watt video/audio TX and RX from Hobbywireless. I am thinking about getting the Dragonlink OSD+ V2, what other equipment do I need with it do calculate the speed, altitude, artificial horizon, RTH, heading, LOS, and distance to home? I know I need a IMU but I am not sure what to get. Anyway it would be awesome if someone can tell me what all I need to add to the OSD+ v2 go get all that info I mentioned working on the plane. Thanks 

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  • 1st of all read here

    speed = you can use GPS for ground speed, or air speed sensor for air speed
    altitude = pressure sensor
    artificial horizon: Gyro/Accel
    Or just buy a Oilpan..
    distance: if you buy oil pan you can do it easly if you want to diy try here.

    Good luck.

  • Developer
    I'm surprised the OSD provider doesn't have a solution for you. What exactly do you need an IMU for? Are you making a drone? You should be able to get away with a simple FMA, IR based horizon detector. But I would read more at Dragonlink and not here.

    Actually I looked at the page and it's all included but the IMU which connects via a serial port. The DIYdrones IMU V2 is spec'd in the manual. Please re-read.
  • Try exploring the website. You will find everything you need.
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