First flight

I made my first flight this morning with a Telemaster being the aircraft of choice. Took off in manual mode to make sure things were hooked up correctly and trim things out, then switched to stabilize. The plane quickly stabilized it self and proved that that was working correctly. Then it was fly by wire which was set to return to launch. The plane quickly came to a new heading to launch site where it orbited over head while engaging the motor to maintain altitude. Using the new mission planner I was able to direct the plane to fly to another point on the field in guided mode, and then return to launch. Landing the plane in stabilize mode was a breeze to just line it up on the runway switch to stabilize and control the throtle to a great landing.


To say it was a success is an under statement.  I am very happy with my first flight.

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  • I have just got the Ardupilot and intend to put it in my 8 ft Telemaster. Can you tell me what motor you are using please? I currently have a 0.4cu but want to go electric..
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