First UAV aircraft

Hi All,

I'd like to put together my first UAV and would like to know your opinions on a good airframe to start with. Stability (for a camera), strength, payload and slow speed flight are the features I am looking for - it doesn't need to double up as an RC stuntplane for days when I'm not doing UAV flying!

I quite like the look of the Bormatec VAMP but their website doesn't have a lot of information on it. Does anyone here fly one?



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  • Huzzah - it's arrived, good service from the HK UK warehouse!

    Got to work when I want to be playing with the plane!

  • They must have heard me - look what I just ordered from the UK warehouse! :)

  • Thanks for the replies - the Bixler does look good. The postage for that one from Hong Kong is huge and the ARF isn't available from the German warehouse. Is there a cheaper/more local way to get them or would the ARF version sometimes appear in other warehouses? (Im in the UK).


  • The Skywalker from BEV RC is another good option, a little bigger and it has more room than a Bixler though both are good for beginners. I sell RTF Skywalkers here which can be modified however you like but they're made to be able to carry a downward facing point and shoot camera.

  • I think they typically recommend the bixler. They've got a few mounts already made for it for easy camera mounting. 


    Camera Chassis:

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