Flight Mode - Super Simple question

I know, you say 'its so simple!'.  ha ha.

I understand that SIMPLE MODE requires you to face in the same direction for the duration of the flight.


Warnings :

When using SIMPLE Mode, you must stay (the pilot) in the same orientation. If you turn 90°, then pitch will become roll ! If you want to rotate yourself and keep SIMPLE mode simple, then you need to land, disarm, put the copter nose to your new pilot direction (nose away from you), arm and take off.


What about SUPER SIMPLE MODE, does this same WARNING/requirement apply?

Example: using flying with mode: STABILIZE/ SIMPLE / SUPER SIMPLE - if I set up facing north, fly the bird to the north, then during the flight the copter flies behind me (which is south) can I turn around and face the south, see the copter, and use the PITCH BACK to still bring it back to me? Or will changing directions to face south plunge my quad into oblivion (cause my orientation would probably be lots).

I would test this out on my Quad if I could.... but it only has 3 arms right now......



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  • hi, what is this super simple mode you speak of

  • Developer

    Super simple mode is useful for flying large distances in big areas. If you enable it, your simple mode orientation will recalibrate based on the angle of home to the copter. Warning, you must have GPS and a solid lock before flying for this mode to work properly. If you get lock in the air, your home will become that random location. If that happens, simply land.


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