flying 2.0.20.


Its getting quite close to my previous ardupirateNG code which was very stable.

Now its just a matter of fine tuning and no more yaw issues for me.

I've loaded the code with arduino and did CLI setup.

I use a sparkfun mag and xbee is configured for 115200.

Did a test with the HK GCS and works just fine.

At the moment I only did stable and simple and had to lower al Pid's


Congrats to the dev team. You made my day!!!!!!

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  • I've been having a hard time with 2.02 after loading the firmware it locks up when i run the setup.  After resetting it with the button it' slow but connects.
  • I don't understand.  I have loaded the 2.0.20 code from the planner many times and I just can't get it to work.  It just wants to tip over all the time.  I have loaded all the other versions with no problem so I can't imagine why this one is playing up.  Very must be me!


    (By the way, on a couple of occasions the motors wouldn't start at all.  The green LED which indicates that the motors are unarmed/armed wasn't lit at all.  Now it is working even though I have followed the same install and setup procedure.)

  • Is the xbee speed back to 115200, now?


    I thought 56700 is used. ??

  • Seconded! I've just returned from the most successful flying session I've had with my quad to date. Only tried it in stable mode, but it was rock steady and very responsive. Now to try loiter next.

    Thanks guys!

  • Developer
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