FTDI Cable Selfmade

Hey Guys,


I new to the arduino field. I would like to use it to implement a roll stabilization for a modellship anyway.


So I figured out that I wouldn't need the hole set, but only the APM.


Now smart as I am I forgot to order a fitting cable to be actually able to upload something to the board. Anyway a friend of mine had a spare FTDI chip, so I think I am able to build something like this FTDI Board ...


I read something about not needing all the output, so here is my question. What outputs do I need and does it really not matter if I use 3.3V or 5V ?


Cheers !

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  • Hi, i had made one with this chip http://www.sparkfun.com/products/718 you have to use CTS, V3.3, GND, RXD, RTS, TXD pin and it work well! You will use it with ardupilot?

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