Fully autonomous flight w/o RC

Hey guys,

While testing some auto flight missions I 'discovered' the actions tab in the flight data screen. I realize that this is used for inflight commands such as RTL for a quad that deviates from the flight plan and needs to return to launch. I saw under the first tab the MISSION_START command next to the "Do Action" button. After some investigation, I was able to arm, switch to AUTO mode, and start the mission all without using my RC (however it was turned on and connected to the quad).

What I want to know is can you program, start, and finish a mission solely with the mission planner, without having an RC, or any kind of manual input, on at any time before, during, or after the flight? I realize this can be dangerous in the case of an out of control craft will stay out of control until it crashes. Nonetheless, I am curious.

Thanks a bunch in advance!

Will F

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  • Yes, did it a few times. I just disconnected the SBUS cable into the Pixhawk, and disabled RC Failsafe. I've even flown entirely with laptop and Gamepad controller (dual axis Logitech) using only MAVLink.

    Oh, make sure you have GCS Failsafe active in all conditions.

  • Some people might like restricted or tethered flight for experiment just using a microcontroller
    larry k
  • You may well be able to fly it sans Tx/Rx, but, you are just begging to destroy your equipment.

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