Gaining altitude on RTL instead of going down

Hi all,

I have FX-69 FPV eqiupped flying wing with APM2 (3.3.0)+NEO-7M.

Recently I flown to my first 1km heigh and got some troubles switching to RTL mode.

My RTL heigh is set to 100m and i flown a lot of times with no problems, but that day I was going to get my first 1000m altitude - everything was fine, but as soon as I reached 1000m i switched to RTL mode and the plane started gaining altitude on full throttle. I was afraid it will completely drain my battery and switched to manual, lowered my altitude to about 200m, switched to RTL again and this time it worked as expected.

I have double checked my config analyzed logs, but found no glitches. I'm not an expert yet, so I wonder if anyone else experienced such behaviour? I have attached my log file and if someone could help me - i would really appreciate it.


This very moment is here (now it is very funny when my onboard camera also died and I was shoked loosing both RTL ability and Video screen. I controlled my plane only using telemetry information on the screen)


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  • have you solved this issue?

    I want get my first 1000M too ! 

    • I haven't faced this problem anymore and upgraded APM firmware to the last one. But I still wonder what had happened...

      • what your board is?  APM2.52 OR pixhawk? 

        what firmware version do you upgraded ?  3.4 or 3.5?

         thanks for replay!

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