GCS ideas?

I've been a DiyDrones member for a while now and have finally decidedto give it a go; I also have the forethought to ask a few, moreexperienced people, what they think.

With that in mind -

What program would you recommend to design the GCS in? Running windows, I need to beable to embed and control a Google Earth/Maps window. I also need to beable to take input from USB devices; mainly a joystick, throttle, andpedals. I downloaded both; Labview and Visual Studio, trial edditions,and have messed around with both for a while now. Which one should Ichoose? Or, feel free to suggest another program, or even a linux based one, as I am very flexible at this point.

All input appreciated!

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  • I think that you should use a multiplatform lenguage, as Qt, because all users could use your program in anyone SO.

    I suggest Qt because it is a easy development framework, cross-platform, with a great online documentation. I started to learning Qt from 3 weeks ago, and now I can create a beautifull graphic interfaces, I can read the serial port and I can execute threads in paralel.

    I'm interesting in development a GCS for Linux, if you want I can help you.

    best regards.
  • I have next to none expirience in programming; the only expirience I do have is with the Arduino IDE, and some HTML. So at this point, I basically want your advice on which program to pick up and learn. Which program do you think has an advantage, and which one will be easier to learn?
  • I really enjoy working with processing, it's super easy to get going. Although embedding Google Maps could be difficult.
  • I would suggest start with whatever you can code best with. Personally I use visual studio because I'm already familiar with it so it save me time having to figure out how to use labview. I also like the fact I can use activex controls I find and easily integrate them into my project but someone may suggest labview is better suited to the task.
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