GCS Problem

I am using the APM and the GCS. When I start everything starts up and works, but my Alt is about 235 meters at my home location and the white needle pegs out over the 200 meter mark. Is there anyway to change this or zero out the needle back to 0 while on on the ground?


Also the max airspeed will only go up to about 36 knots or mph max, anyway to set it to be able to register higher speeds ?


I would think I am missing a simple setting some where.




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  • I have the same thing the last few days I have been messing with trying to get the GCS to work as well as other issues, windows 7 and xp seem to have different issues for me. I am also seeing some issues in the waypoint loader as well. One issue I had the only way I could resolve it was to install the entire runtime to get the VI errors to shut up (thats an over 700MB dl for the GCS to work for me on xp, and yet still doesnt even work properly).
  • I to am interesed in seeing if this can be corrected, specifically the altitude. I realize that the altitude being reported is current location meters above sea level but it would be nice for this to report meters above home position and also have the option to change the reporting units between feet and meters and airspeed in mph.
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