I'm having some issues getting the correct altitude value to write onto the picture EXIF file. I seem to be getting relative altitude as my output onto the photo. Further, it is not outputting any info to the first 4 photos, and I'm getting massive errors in Photoscan (several tens of thousands of meters).

I'm using the tlog with a 307.8 second offset. CAM message offsets are 1, 4, 3, 5, 2, 8, 7, 6; GPS are 2, 3, 9, 6,  7, 8 from left to right top to bottom in Mission Planner 1.3.7 Build 1.1.5307.24027.

I am waiting on an IR trigger and plan on triggering based on distance, but would like to get this working in the meantime. Let me know if you need some of my pictures (100 photo set @ 7 MB each).

Thanks for any help!

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              • And I'm still unsure why some of my altitudes are sub-meter. In both of our cases, the message offsets are not working correctly.

  • I cant even get this to work well at all. But GitHub is just way over my head. Would you say this geotagging is fully implemented now for the Pixhawk?

  • Last week I was having a similar problem using the data flash log rather than tlog:


    However, I haven't been able to fully resolve it due to some missing images (discrepancy between number of images and CAM messages). Therefore, I've been using the seconds offset function as well, which is still problematic. There needs to be a better way to synchronize the GPS time with the computer's and camera's clocks.

    Using the data flash log, the Geo Ref tool outputs sub-meter altitudes for some locations. After reading your post, I tried using the tlog instead, and now the Geo Ref tool outputs altitudes between 23-28m. Both results are incorrect because we were actually flying at altitudes well over 100m.

    I think there is a problem with the log message offsets for Pixhawk vs. APM. We didn't encounter this issue when using APM with an IR trigger for our NEX-7.

    • You guys need to put this issue on GitHub so it can be tracked and referred to.
      • I didn't know if it was an issue with the software or my lack of knowledge :P

        • You're not alone. It's either a software issue or a documentation problem. I still haven't found the correct offsets. I can post the issue to Github. 

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