
GoPro Hero3 Black QC issues

Hi All,

Based on the very negative reviews on it sounds like the GoPro Hero3 Black Edition is a piece of crap that GoPro should have never released in its present form. Have any members experienced problems with their GoPro Hero3 Black Edition?


TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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  • I am currently dealing with warranty returns on mine... my battery life slowly dropped from 1.5hr to 12 minutes!!!!! 

    (not the battery or memory fault, the camera now gets very hot during operation and quickly discharges the battery)

    Hero 2 is much more reliable...

    Hero 3 has AMAZING picture/video quality, but as a CAMERA... it stinks....

    I typically use my SWANN or 808#16 with D lens because they are far more reliable, but the  image quality is below the Hero3 Black...

  • Admin

    Hi All,

    GoPro's QC track record seems to be very spotty. Chris, Oliver, and Richard give GoPro attaboys, but Andke has logged in an aws**t that is quite substantial. Inconsistent product quality/reliability is what eventually kills a company and their product's reputations. Presently it looks like a new GoPro Hero3 user has around a 25% - 30% chance of having a defective product either out of the box or in short order.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

  • just returned mine for second time,  crashes on shutdown,  drains battery instead of switching completely off.

    2s delay on wifi preview.

    useless wifi playback quality.

    unreliable firmware, they often forget to update the displayed firmware version,.

    so much for QC.

    corrupts 64GB sdcards, so only Android devices can read them. This happens after about 32GB or much use.

  • T3
    This review does a good job of talking about issues with the GoPro 3.

    The overall rating is quite good at 4 out of 5 stars.

    I own a black edition and I've not had any issues, other then battery life. My neighbor gave me an extra battery. I really like the new case with the new lock clip and the replaceable lens cover. Wifi is neat, but the delay is a disappointment.

    The camera shoots great pictures, is very light and compact. Another issue is the cost, the camera is not cheap.
  • Admin


    On GoPro's Hero3 Black Edition problems seemed to have started in January 2013 and buyers were still complaining in August of this year.

    I have a GoPro Hero2 that works just fine and was contemplating buying a Hero3 White Edition until I read some of the reviews on Its sounds like their customer service was just about non existent and they kept repeating lame excuses about software issues as being the reason for the lockups and short battery life.

    I think that I will wait until or Costco puts them on sale as a Christmas special at about half the price and then they will be worth buying.


    TCIII ArdurRover2 Developer

  • There were firmware problems and maybe some hardware problems early on that were handled very, very poorly in terms of customer service, which pissed some people off beyond redemption (rightfully enough, I suppose). I think the backwash from that is still sucking on their reputation. My black works perfectly and I'm happy with it.

  • 3D Robotics

    Which GoPro Black problems in particular seem disqualifying? I read some of the reviews and they seemed mixed, with some complaints about the firmware. Was that what you were referring to?

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