Hi All! 

I got some decent flight time this afternoon!  I'm uploading the log file from my  APM 2.0 controller.

I had a blast today. thanks to all who've made this platform possible.  I really like it.  I just ordered a Turnigy 6000ma LiPo and my landing gear/gopro mount from XproHeli.   Can't wait! 

Here's  a link to my Quad's flight. Sorry, it' not POV,   my wife manned the video cam:


I attached my flight log!

I hope some of you can help me improve my PIDs for LOITER mode.  currently when I loiter I travel in a 10ft circle.  You can see this in my video.  Also the LiPo I have is 2200ma. So stable flight time is around

7 minutes, after that.. well landing is not going to be easy :)   I am posting my flight log and current

PID settings.  My loiter params started with the params for the 3D Robotics platform, here's the 


stab ang rate P = .1

stab cont P = 4.5

yaw ang P = .15

yaw stab P = 7

Alt err P = .5

Thrust rate P = .2

Loiter ang rate P = 2.5

Loiter speed P = .47

My little 450mm platform appears to be very stable in stabilize mode!   I can control the location

with yaw.    It would be cool to nail down loiter, then I can record waypoints of where I've been and

execute a replay flight.   

The ultimate goal is to get this puppy stable to fly along a seashore and video it.    

Can someone confirm form me that my max altitude was @  130ft ?

3690942602?profile=originalOnce again everybody.. Thanks for the really cool APM controller and all the work put into it.

This is awesome!  Here's my logfile from today's flight:


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  • Jerry,

    This flash simulator by Jason helped me a lot to tune my loiter parameters. Take a look at it if you haven't done so:


  • Moderator


    Nice work, but you're right, it does need a bit of tweaking. Though I'm not sure that adjusting parameters will help, as I think your quad is ever-so-slightly out of level. I can see that lift-off isn't exactly straight up. I know it sounds silly, and I'm sure that you have leveled it, but this is typical performance from one that is not perfect. Can you try an in-flight leveling? Just a thought.

  • The park is located near Mt. Hope Bay.  Located here:


    The wind was calm inland, the field where we were the wind was about 5knots from the north with gusts to 10 knots.     I did notice the motor at location 1 (front left with front facing me) took more power to spin up.  While listening to the motors closely  with the props off and all motor the motors at 40% It appeared that 3 motors sounded similar, the one on the left front had a bad bearing noise maybe once every 3 seconds.  This motor is cheap at HK so I ordered two more.   I'm going to try to get info on how to properly disassemble this motor and replace the bearings with some American made bearings.  That's one thing we still manufacture extremely well.  I think this motor is made well, but the bearings don't hold up.

    The plan is to swap the motor out with another one, learn how to take the motor apart and replace the bearing with high quality bearings.

    My Spektrum DX5e has only a 2 position toggle switch.  I only have STABALIZE and LOITER available from channel 5.

    What you was was a switch to stabalize more and me just learning how to fly.

  • Loiter is much the same as mine was, that swing in my case was faster and more aggressive.
    Been high winds and rain here for three days, managed to get out briefly and found loiter in wind was much more stable,(within a  10ft box) not sure if it was the wind or the many tweaks that was responsible for this. Could have been the change to manual mag declination...

    Your video at 3.10 was that an auto land or just flying practice?

    Anyway looking promising!

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