GPS bad health after updating MP from 1.2.84 to 1.2.95

I just updated my mission planner from 1.2.84 to 1.2.95

and now I get an error message of GPS bad Health.  I have the CN-06 GPS...

But I have 1.6 HDOP and 10-12 sats. I get a solid green light on the GPS and a solid blue light on the APM 2.5.

I have successfully calibrated the compass and the accelerator.

I have been flying this for about a year with never any troubles with the GPS until now....

 Has anyone experienced this and did you resolve it?  


Bad GPS health screen shot.jpg

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  • Developer

    That message can also be caused by the GPS glitching which could be very common if you're indoors.  I will likely disable the glitch detection while the copter is connected via a usb port which would make that message go away.

    • Randy, good idea.   But, just to clarify, I do get it outdoors as well.  I only upgraded to 3.1.1 and MP 1.2.95 a few days ago so I do not have a lot of time on this yet.  I might disable GPS glitching for a while to see if that is the link to the error message....but I am not sure how significant the benefit of GPS glitching is........

      • Developer


             Turning if off as a test is ok but I think disabling GPS Glitch protection before flying is probably not a good idea.  I think it's helped avoid a lot of fly-aways caused by bad gps positions.  If the GPS is bad, it's best to know about it rather than turning off the detection.

        • I did increase the glitch radius from 200 to 300 cm and so far that seems to help.  Unless the erase of the eeprom and reset did the trick - which I also did.  Unfortunately due to weather I have not had a chance to do much flying....But thanks for the help.  I know you are very busy....

  • Now, it's 20 min later and the error message is now gone.  Have 3D lock and unit responds as it should to movement.

    Perhaps the message is displayed prior to sat hookup?  It must be new, or fired under a different set of circumstances because I never seen it before.

    • I saw my error message disappear after a few minutes too, but I had a good sat lock with an hdop of less than 2 and I thnk 9+ sats....maybe someone will add to this thread that can really nail this down....

  • I too have the same "BAD GPS HEALTH" problem. Im using Mission Planer 1.1.5150.11972 which I downloaded today.  Prior to update, I didn't have the problem.  I am on 2 Macs both running VM/XP.

    All was right prior to update(s)  but now getting same error message on both Macs.

  • Several folks have informed me this is usually seen when you are indoors, even with a good Sat and HDOP count.  I was outside but near a large metal shop.  I have not had a chance to do more testing (snowed 6 inches last night!).....I will post more when I learn more...

  • I got the same problem 

    i will post anything that i find

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