GPS with Mega?

I assembled the ArduPilot Mega and oilpan, and everything seems to work except for the GPS.  I'm using the 1Hz EM-406A, and tried connecting to both the oilpan 6-pin connector, and the ADP mega connector, but I don't get any output when running the GPS_NMEA_test or GPS_UBLOX_test.  The init message is written to the serial window but no position data (i.e. no valid data...).

Anyone else had similar GPS issues with mega?

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  • Admin
    Ken, I think only Ublox is supported in APM for now if i am not mistaken. So EM-406A won't initiate without the required code
  • Ken,

    There doesn't look to be any code for EM406 in the mega libraries. You may get it to work in NMEA mode, but there is no specific initialisation code. You would need to do your own init to set the output to NMEA @38400.
  • Moderator
    How long have you let it sit powered up? My UBLOX took a while to get a fix initially... Oh, and the correct port to be using is the one on ArduPilot Mega board... :)
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