
  I bought a QuadPOD to learn how to fly a QuadCopter.  The radio I have is the Spectrum DX 5 2.4Ghz.

All you can do is trim, you can't adjust the reponse.  Fast is 100% servo travel, Slow is 75%.  With a Quad I think you need 50%.  I've calibrated the ESCs.  trimmed the radio.  I'm practicing to hover in the basement but It's tough to get in a stationary hover due to buffeting.     I was going to replace the existing controller with an APM 2.0 board once I figured out how to fly the thing manually.  But it looks like the currently good for pitch and yaw stability, but you are on your own with everything else.  Has anyone tried an APM controller with the quadpod ?  The frame is 9" from motor shaft to motor shaft measured across the center of the craft.  Total weight with battery is 240g.    

I'll ask Snelflight for the brushless motor specs and the esc controller specs, since it's not documented.  

I'd imagine I would need that information to create a profile for the APM.

I plan on upgrading the transmitter to a Turnigy 9 channel with the latest firwmare.

Here's the link for the quadpod that I would really like to have the APM 2.0 installed in.  The hardware fits great in the back of my Jeep Wrangler.


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  • Hi Jerry, I have a Quadpod with APM 2.5 onboard and it flys well. I use a 1100mah battery. Regards Si

    • Quadpod with ArdupilotHi all,

      After some longer time to find the appropriate PID Parameters, I succeded to fly the Quadpod in a smotth manner with the APM 2 with the newest Firmware 3.1. Look at the short Youtube Video which shows a flight in the Loiter modus. Only the baro is active as the sonar sensor has to much noise by changing throttle.



  • I've got a quad pod frame with a multiwii controller (actually an Open LRS receiver with multiwii firmware). Total weight probably similar to the APM2 without all the IDC headers soldered. Performance is pretty good, it's a blast to fly but struggles a bit with wind. It's more of a fun flyer than a normal sized quad, as you really have to bank and roll the thing to travel around.

    Looks like the motors are HobbyKing 10g type, with Turnigy 5A escs so nothing out of the ordinary.

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