Hello guy and gals,

I am currently working on setting up a Hugin 2.2M airplane as my newest addition. I have been fiddling around on E-Calc for about the last three hours trying to figure out the best configuration for this airplane so that it will achieve approximately a 1 hour endurance. So far, the best and most likely setup involves an EFlite Power 60 running on a 5S battery configuration. I was looking at the APM power module and I see that its limitations are an input of 18 volts. Knowing that a fully charged 5S battery could be in excess of 20 volts, I am skeptical of using the power module. My question is, if I use sparkfuns 180A power module and power the APM from a 5v ubec, will it read the high voltage from the battery without burning up the board?

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  • I see parkfun has a 90amp and 50volt sensor..
    is that what you are taking about ?

    The V and I sensor wires will only output up to 3.3 volt .. so the Busy End.. you 5S power will not touch the board.

    You will have to re-calibrated if the default selections are off. 

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