Help with APM 2.6 Quadcopter


My senior design team has built a quadcopter, and we are now in the testing phase. I have attached a video of our quad crashing shortly after it gets off of the ground. We suspect that it is a PID tuning issue. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

IMG_1580 (1).MOV

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  • Hi!

    I ** THINK ** I know what is happening: your compass - magnetometer is upside down (at least on your config).

    I had the exact same problem with my 3D Robotics hexa, using an APM 2.6 with external GPS / Compass: The gps / compass circuit has the gps on top and the compass / magnetometer on the other side of the circuit (heads down).

    So you have to tell your firmware, thru Ardupilot, that your compass is roll_180 (or something like that) you surely will find it :)



    • @Enrique Avelle


      dont you think that this problem should be solved by callibrating the GPS and magnetometer?

      i ask it becaus i also have this problem!

      thank you if you can help

  • I have attached another video showing our PID tuning process. Does anyone know how to typically tell when it is flight ready? How is ours looking? Are there any suggestions?

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