HK_CSG Gauges or MissionPlanner Gauges

I have noticed that the gauge packs are a little different, and that they work a little different too.  I like the Compass / Heading Gauge in the MP_CSG for quads and wish I could use it instead of the HK_CSG compass.  The MP_CSG compass is easier to use   I noticed that the MP_CSG compass also has 2 indacators RED / Gray.  The RED indicator is GPS heading or bearing not sure yet.  The GRAY indicator is realtime heading from the compass.  The HK_Compass works well for planes but not quads.

Is there away to swap the HK_CSG compass gauge out for the MP_CSG compass gauge?

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  • My GCS isn't really geared for use with the APC2. It seems the graphing function is also an important part that is missing.... I haven't yet decided what to do about quads in my GCS....Jason's APC code works because he used the MAVlink libraries that are in APM....not because I did anything to make it work.....
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