DIY Drones part number:

Antenna 900MHz RP-SMA 2dBi


Antenna 433MHz RP-SMA 2dBi


I ordered two of each, I just received them today, and there's no label on the packages, and they look absolutely identical.


There is a blue dot on two of them, and there's not a blue dot on two of them.


Anybody know which is which?


Anybody know what would happen if you use the 900 antenna on a 433 mghz 3dr?




Dan Gray



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  • Hi,

    I ordered two 3DR modules 433 Mhz with antennas from RCT and due to bad performance I changed this antennas to a 2.4 Ghz one.

    In 3DR Config Tool I noticed no difference in RSSI and noise value.

    So for further investigatin I made a X-Ray from both 433 Mhz antennas and the 2,4 Ghz one.

    I was surprised, that I could not see any difference between this antennas.

    Looking at the dimensins of all three antennas, they should be all lambda/4 Dipols for 2,4 Ghz.

    Maybe anybody can comment this...





  • Hi Dan, the 433MHz antennas have a blue dot on them, 915MHz antennas do not.


  • My 433 antennas both have a blue dot on them, so that may be the identifier. I don't not have a set of 900 to compare to however, so I am not positive, just seem likely to me.
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