Hi guys, I'm trying to send mavlink message SET_QUAD_SWARM_ROLL_PITCH_YAW_THRUST ( #61 ) from a custom program to a QuadCopter drone (pixhawk board)

The program seems to work fine. But I'm not sure if the drone is consuming the messages. So my question is how can I verify/test if my drone is consuming my data?

What are the development practices used for validating drone to program (on computer) communication?

Blocked by this feature for long please help me getout of this road block.

I'm attaching the code .send_quad_commands.cpp that I'm using to send the message SET_QUAD_SWARM_ROLL_PITCH_YAW_THRUST ( #61 )

Thank you in advance

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  • Firstly, you should ensure your system id and component id.

    That's all I know. I cannot control the quad via send_quad_cmd.

    Anyone can help?

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