Hello fellows,

I'm trying to simulate aerial photogrammetry mission using servo triggering (do repeat servo) and apm 2.5 with arduplane 2.70 in hil mode.  Is there any way in which i can find out how many waypoints can i send to the apm 2.5 without. When i use the planner gridv2 it quickly generate a lot of them + the triggering commands. I'm observing that after 100 or so apm 2.5 simply won't execute the fligh plan. Any help will be appreciated!

best luck to all

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  • I think its around 256 entries in the FlightPlan. (8bit)

    Triggering a camera is also one entry.

    But you could send new waypoints with telemerty in flight to your aircraft.

  • Thanks Andrew for your reply,

    Fooling arround that about the same amount i got but you have to take into account the do repeat servo command if you want to trigger the cameras at each waypoint in the flightplan.  I was wondering why they didn't move the command buffer into the flash memory.  If they have 16 mb in the apm 2.5 at least you should be able to store 10000 waypoints and you won't be using even 0.5 megabytes.  I think that's because of the legacy hardware they have to support (apm 1) Anyway i think it is worth a comment from the developer point of view.  Of course my thanks to the wonderful team that make all this possible!

  • It's a known limitation, despite several references to "unlimited waypoints" floating around in relation to the APM.

    I can't find it documented anywhere as to exactly how many fit in the on-board flight plan memory, but I've discovered the max for me is 124, and trying to upload more can reset the EEPROM:


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