How to modify mission planner HUD?

Hi folks,


I am doing research in the estimation of angle of attack and sideslip angles. I have modified the APM code by adding these two parameters and arduplane mavlink function to pass these two parameters as a part of the attitude message. Now to be able to read this in mission planner I need to modify the source code of the mission planner. What I need to do is this: to pass the two new parameters (AOA and sideslip) to mission planner and visualize the values within the HUD just under the plane indicator as a small circle that moves vertically and horizentally within some range to indicate AOA (vertical movement) and sideslip (horizental).

I figured out the function to draw the circle, HUD.cs, and the function to add the two new parameters to the _attitude message, currentstate.cs.

What are other functions do I need to modify, for example, what is function that relates the change in values (roll, pitch, heading, ...) to the change in HUD display.


Thank you for your help in advance 

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  • That will be great discussion for whomever is interested in advanced development in the MP.

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