New/first post here!
Anyone have an idea why my throttle continues to advance in speed after I arm? I arm the motors, advance to idle, and then the motors continue to speed up faster (seems way too fast for an idle speed). Video here:
Just seems way to abrupt and quick for idle. I tried changing throttle_min and mot_spin_armed with no change. Does this look normal for you? This is the first time I've mounted props after doing the esc calibrations etc.
Just re-did the compass calibration with a reading of 61,0,21. Much better I would assume?
Sounds good, thank you. I will try the compass calibration again before test flight. Unfortunately I only have an indoor location available...-15deg F and snow here in Wisconsin!
Lots of learning to go...I think learning how to use the logs is going to prove useful.
How about posting your log file. Most of the time others that might be able to help will want to review the log.
Also, I re-did the esc calibrations and compass calibration. I do not have the gps plugged in at this point and am indoors, does that have anything to do with it? When doing the esc calibration, all motors spool up exactly at the same speed. But when I actually arm it, they spool up together and then some stop and the rest keep speeding up to about 50% throttle.
Is this the right file type? These logs are really confusing to me...
2014-12-27 00-07-15.bin
In Mission planner download the logs to your computer. It is easier for others if you would post the file ending in ".log", rather the ".bin" file.