I am starting on a project that will: make an RC car follow a transmitter that I can carry in my pocket, and stop one foot away from me. I need to know if ardupilot will let me do that or if i will need another board. If ardupilot can be used with this project, I would appreciate it if some can tell me how. I am new to all of this and so if everyone can answer in simple terms, that would make everything a lot easier.

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  • Thanks everyone for their replies and after thinking about it I've realized that I now need to know only two things:

    1. Can I disable the vectoring servo and have Blimpduino work?

    2. Can I use a larger size motor for the Blimpduino and still have it work?
  • T3

    One idea for the sensor is a combination of ultrasound and RF, called the "cricket location support system", developed at MIT.

    The cricket sensors are available commercially from Crossbow Technology.

  • Maybe with 2 GPS and some RF modems, but for sure the 1 ft distance won't be in! And "following" in the strict sense won't either.
    Another way could be to use the RSSI signal of two Xbees (proportional to distance) to compute the distance, and GPS for tracking.
    This remembers me the guy who wanted to have such system to be followed by a chopper! The RC car is definitely less dangerous!
  • 3D Robotics
    I don't know what kind of RF sensor would be able to do that. I doubt ArduPilot can help you until you figure out your sensing.
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