impossible crash due to apm, no log after the crash.

This is the strangest hing that could happen.

my easyglider has a well proven setup, I hooked the apm 2.1.2, normal mode ok..stab mode ok...some good wind but rtl seems to point the rigth direction...again normal..again stab...again rtl..good for a minute than it points up, stall and nose down. radio was ok (frsky beeps when lose signal and I was very close, less than 200m) but no way to have rc back in any flight mode. crashed 1km away after several up and down, nothing broken except nose of easyglider.

I found the plane using the beeps of frsky mounting a directional antenna crossing all kind of area, even a little torrent, thanks god for that I' ve been so lucky to have google map on cell phone so I could guess where it could be and passed near enough.

on the crash site rc is responding again, pitch servo dismounted on crash but working, esc and motor working.

power off everything, back home I see only 1 log that say bad log number when opened

so NO log!!! kml is empty too.

Ideas? it was obviously the apm because rc was right but what the hell is happened is a mistery.

now I'm really afraid to fly again, maybe I try only with rudder channel as roll to check it



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