impossible to roll in FBWA mode !!!!!!

hello everybodies,

like i say , i have a pixhawk system in a xuav talon with vtail mixing, fly nicely in stabilize mode , but impossible to roll or bank in FLBWA modes, so cant fly auto mode for waypoints .......

houston we got a problem !! mayday !


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  • hello,

    after few days, i finaly maked a rc calibration , and all work great,

  • From the Manual

    This method is the simplest, but won’t give the best result. For those users familiar with tuning the old PID controllers, the RLL2SRV_P, RLL2SRV_I and RLL2SRV_D gains have the same effect, but there are some additional values that can be set by more advanced users.

    1. With the model in FBW-A mode, put in a rapid bank angle demand by pushing the aileron stick all the way over, hold it for a couple of seconds and then release. Do the same in the other direction. You want the model to roll quickly and smoothly to the new bank angle and back again without overshoot or any wing ‘rocking’. If the roll response is too slow, then progressively increase RLL2SRV_P in increments of 0.1 until you are happy with the response.
    2. If you get bank angle oscillation or overshoot, then you need to reduce RLL2SRV_P. If at this point you still don’t have sufficient response then you need to follow Method 2.
    3. Once you are happy with the roll response you should now slowly increase the RLL2SRV_I to give the controller some “I gain” to allow it to cope better with wind. A value of 0.05 will work for most models. If you see overshoot or oscillation when raising the I value then halve it.

    I'd recommend reading the wiki for more tuning hints :) i had the same issue with my flying wing yesterday and was advised to tune with the method above

    • ok i will, try it the next time i will go fly . how to load a flight log with mission planner , i will try to send it to you .

  • can you post a log of flight with you trying to fly in FBWA ?

  • Terrible post. No real information. What have you tried?
    Have you made any attempt to tune your bird? What are your PIDs?
    Try doubling your roll P and see if it makes a difference.
    • My Skywalker has a Roll P over over 2. Your roll P might simply be too low. Trying increasing it and see if it helps.
      Have you tried autotune?
      • roll P done well in stabilize mode ! airplane level perfectly !

        or do you think problem come from vtail output ????

        same problem here.

        did is possible to use my transmiter mixer and disable vtail output ????

        • V-tail is rudder mixed with elevator, so it will not affect roll.
          I still think you need to tune your plane. Tuning is not done in Stabilize Mode, you must use FBW or AUTOTUNE.
          • ok but how increasse roll ???? today i test my airplane on the ground, i set max bank roll to 60 degre

            i switch to fbwa

            aileron works

            i put my aileron stick left and hold

            i bank my wing untel i have 60 degre

            just a 60 degre the ailerons come in center

            above 60 degre it try correct to come at 60 degre

            so its means in ground the test is sucess

            but when i fly , in fbwa mode in the sky , even if i put my stick full , no way to have 60 degres

            soo what is the problem ?????????

            • no way to have 60 degres but just something like 15degres .....

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