"i'll take a look at that. and my intent wasn't to cast shadow over the significant work you and team have accomplished… But NutX on the pixhwak is a real time operating system… Linux is not… there is a huge amount of noise around regulations and…"
"Nick - when will the X2's be back in stock ? and also does the GPS module you have work with pixhawk as is or will I need to change its firmware ? Looking for something that will stop the LIDAR I have jamming my GPS…."
"I have been thinking of exactly that setup with a spare 550 DFC I have… with the pixhawk mounted that way, does everything work pretty well ? why the foamies on the skids? is that just to cushion landings ?"
"Jason - The Ritewing guys have several wings ranging in size that will be perfect for this application... I know them well and am happy to setup an introduction. They are always good at re-designing their existing stuff to meet your need.