Can't find any parameter with "buzzer" in it.
Since i broke it I want to disable it and fly FPV without it (i got OSD so should be ok) is there a way to do that?

What happens if I short the 2 pins where it connects? That of course is if it can't be disabled in the software.

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  • Well I thought it is required to arm but now I understood that is not the case. (it was the safety switch that is required to be connected in order to arm, i have remembered it wrong)

    But that means I have  bigger issue now. I can't arm with stick down and right from the remote. I have to connect and arm via USB from the APM software only.

    Why that might be?

    That is after I had a decent crash but everything seems to be fine visually. 

    Well microsd card was broken while inside the pixhawk (go imagine) but pixhawk boots and connects fine and doesn't give any errors. So where to look?

  • Why would you try to burn out the buzzer circuit be shorting the pins?


    I have never installed the buzzer with any of my pixhawk quads or airplanes. It’s way too big for most of my applications. I really don’t like it and think it’s a waist of space and weight. The LED gives you everything you need.





  • Why not just disconnect it ? You are suggesting to disconnect it and short pins ?
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