
  • Hey, don't know if you are still looking for VTail firmware, but I made this:

  • I need a little more info on fine tuning the rear motors in the V-Tail configuration also. I am using the vtail config in version 2.91 and I have everything dialed in pretty well other than  the rear of my quad to sit lower than the front in hover. I assume due to the loss of lift since the motors are at an angle .

    Is there a simple method of increasing the rpm of  just the rear motors in increments so I can find the proper rpm to allow the quad to sit level? Maybe some simple way to adjust the ratio between front and rear? I have played with center of gravity to no end . The closest I have come to seeing the airframe level is running 13x5 props on the rear and 12x4.7 on the front.

  • I would like to make a Y4 or Vtail Quad configuration. So if anyone else is interested in expanding the the capabilities of APM 2.5 to the Y4 like I am, please respond to this and keep this thread alive. 

  • This isnt an ardu vtail, but its a pretty sweet frame:

  • Just question to Eric: have you already flown this configuration with your ArduCopter software modifications?

    I'm asking because i really like this VTails and want to transform my tricopter to such Y4 quad.

  • Y4 can be done by making changes to thrust values in the AP_motorsX.cpp for the setup you're going to run. I don't know much about how the current Y quad code works, or how a V-tail quad should works, but I would start by looking at AP_motorstri.cpp.

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