JOB: Pixhawk 2.1 Expert and UAV developer

A Canadian UAV developer is currently searching for an expert to help us with the development of multirotor AND fixed wing commercial UAV platforms.

What is needed

  1. Basic configuration and tuning
  2. Tier 3 customer support
  3. Payload integration 
  4. Sensor integration (such as RTK systems and extended range communications)
  5. Development of custom code for customer needs. All development will be contributed to the community.
  6. Assistance in the monitoring and management of production.
  7. Assistance in iteration and design of current and future UAV solutions.

We would prefer to have someone that is located in the Greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada, though we would consider any major Canadian city, or the Pacific Northwest of USA.

This will start off as a part time job, but given the right fit we will offer full time employment  or contract down the road. 

Contact me personally if you are interested: paul at lgis dot ca / 800-579-1828 x101 or reply here if you know anyone that can help. Thanks!

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