



Vancouver, Canada

About Me:

I am responsible for research and emerging technologies, and integrating them into Aerobotika’s operations and training and to provide bleeding edge technology and services to AAI customers. His focus in this area is to find and implement the technologies that have the most potential impact in delivering better value to your business. Field operations are the most involving and complex part of a business like ours. I am responsible for ensuring that we meet and exceed the regulatory requirements and strict industry safety guidelines that are put in place by governing bodies in the areas that we operate.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

I am one of the two co-founders of Aerobotika. My passion is for the technology and education side of the business.


Port Moody, BC

Activity Feed

Paul posted a discussion
A Canadian UAV developer is currently searching for an expert to help us with the development of multirotor AND fixed wing commercial UAV platforms.What is neededBasic configuration and tuningTier 3 customer supportPayload integration Sensor…
Feb 19, 2017