Joystick Camera Control

I'm trying to control my pan/tilt gimbal with a joystick through the mission planner.

Having a bit of an issue, as the servos immediately go into motion when APM is powered.  I have the two servos plugged into channels 5&6, and those outputs mapped to two axes of my joystick.  I get no response from the servos when the joystick is moved.

The servos are continuous rotation, to get a better sensor field.  Could this be an issue?

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  • I am trying to have my 'hat switch' on top of my joystick to control the gimbal in an effort to go Transmitter free and only use the joystick to control navigation ad camera control.

    Does anyone know how to do this?

  • I got mine working today but the continuous servos are impossible to trim to stop them from moving all the time. I had to swap them out with a 180 and a 90 deg. servo. I ill get more info out to you tomorrow on my parameters.

  • i have a similar setup on power up my gamble moves on its own & settles in flight so yes this is normal . the servos should be plugged into the APM output not in to the receiver ?

  • Did you have any luck getting this working. I am have the same issue with this.

    I have not gotten any new info as of now.




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