Killer app for ArduRover

Has anyone come up with uses for an ArduRover?

I have seen videos of lawn mowing but I was wondering if there are any other applications out there.

Spaying lines on little league field, walking a dog, herding animals, feeding systems, home garden weeder, snow plowing.  Not sure really any ideas would be helpful.


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  • Developer


    i was trying to get into fpv with my rover. was great fun until unfortunaly my first cam died in an rollover/flip.


  • my tank platform is what i am using. has treads to climb over obstacles. going to put a small laptop on it and do Skype video for 2 way coms.

    i think the local swat would be interested in this as a cheep investigator of possible bombs.



  • I'm currently using (actually integrating) the ArduIMU into my rover.  I have only had the IMU for about 2 weeks.  It's a 4 WD indoor/outdoor rover.  Mostly a learning platform but plan to put a camera on it and let it roam around at night to see what type of wildlife it can find.  I live in the high deserts of southern Arizona.

  • Hi Droter,

    I'm starting a 4th yr engineering project that requires programming and tracking of a machine that prepares the surface of tennis courts automatically. This sounds pretty similar to the applications you mention above. I'm still checking through the forums etc and doing research, but if you find any examples of similar systems I'd appreciate if you post a headsup. I'm quite happy to share my experience as the project progresses.

    Been using an ardupilot mega V1 in my bixler for a while and it's good fun.

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