LED LIghts and GPS Lock

another newbie question.

i am getting the following lights on the boards;


solid orange, occasionally drop out then back solid
Solid blue, again occasionaly drop out then back solid, GPS lock after a couple of mins
no red but when i move the IMU around it goes solid red indicating the imu/gyro is working.
and green power LED

ardu pilot board

solid red for the power
and the Blue GPS LED is flashing.

on the first postion on my radio i have manual control of the servos, when i get solid blue on the IMU i switch to the second postion and all i get is flicker/chatter from the servo's. same on the third postion. i have them set up as below

when i move the IMU around nothing happens. just the flicker and chatter

#define POSITION_1 MANUAL // the default, don't bother changing.

on the wiki manual it says when i get a solid blue on the IMU i have GPS lock. does it have to be solid blue of both the IMU and the ardu pilot ?

i am getting solid blue on the IMU within 2-5 mins. i have left it for 15-20 mins and ardupilot still flashes blue.

i just have the boards hanging out the sides for the time being.


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  • Moderator
    Hello Michael,

    What revision of code are you using for both the IMU and the ArduPilot boards? Should be rev 136 for the IMU and at least 2.7.02 from the download section for the ArduPilot board. Have you run any of the Debug_SubSystem functions? I would suggest first test everything separately. For example try testing the IMU using this utility to verify the IMU works in a stand alone. Then test GPS in a similar fashion. If you are using a uBlox module use u-center found here. If that all goes well run the Debug_Subsystems options that make sense for your particular installation. I'm sure if you go through this systematically, you will identify the problem. If not post your AP_config file along with the results of your debug testing, and someone will be able to help you.

    The picture BTW looks like your IMU board is wired correctly, assuming the connections on the other end lead to the appropriate locations on their corresponding locations. If your still having trouble, post pictures of your complete setup, also post pictures of the top and bottom of your ArduPilot board.

    Good luck,

  • sorry compressed second photo


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