Lidar-lite and Pixhawk wiring Setup

Hi guys,

I have read the wiki and just want to make sure I am understanding it correctly.

The model I am using is the first gen kickstarter Lidar-lite model - now referred to as the pre feb 2015 version.

There is an issue with using the I2C protocol with this version of the lidar-lite, therefore I need to connect via PWM.

Does this mean I no longer need to add the filter bank as described in the I2C communication section? Or do I need to build it anyway? My hunch is that I only need to do this step if using I2C communication.

The wiki is a little confusing on this point as initially it says not to use the I2C communication option due to its inherent faults but then further down it says if you have a pre feb 2015 model you need to build the filter bank for it to work.

I will use the PWM method, which seems pretty straightforward with a resister over the mode signal and earth.

The pixhawk will be powered from a 5v 2amp BEC onboard one of ESC's. Do I need to add the zener diode/resister combo to smooth out any spikes? I have read it is important do so in the plane wiki/other diyd posts, or is that only if your driving servo's from the output rail?

Thanks for your help, 


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  • What is the best wiring for a Lidar Lite build in Feb2015, I2C or PWM?

  • 3D Robotics

    Yes, if you're using PWM you don't need to build that filter bank. 

    In general, I2C is to be avoided, but if you build the filter bank it will work better than if you don't. 

    We're hoping that PulsedLight will fix the I2C interface, since that's easier to use than PWM, but in the meantime I'd go with PWM. 

    • Excellent, thanks Chris!
      Is it required that I use the zener diode/resister combo as well to safe guard the power supplied to the output rail?
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