Hello everyone,

I'm trying to map a large area with a very nice camera, but i require more than the 724 waypoints currently available to write on the FRAM of the pixhawk. Is there a way to increase the number of waypoints available to store on the pixhawk? I have researched this for a bit and found that prior to APM:Plane2.77, waypoints could be stored on the SD card, but that functionality has been lost. Is there a way to once again store waypoint data on the SD card and read from it when necessary?

Another option would be for mission planner to send new waypoints to the plane mid-mission so that the buffer of waypoints stored on the pixhawk at any one time does not exceed 724. Has anyone heard of a Mission Planner script that can do this?

Thank you for your help.

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  • I've had this issue too. The easy solution is CAM_TRIGG_DIST which removes all those trigger points.
    However for some missions we need to trigger by WP. This usually occurs in steep terrain when the AGL altitude cannot be maintained and trigger spacing needs to change during the course of the flight line. I can use distance triggering set for the lowest altitude, but then I end up with too many images to assure overlap at the mountain peak or ridge.
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