Magnetometer "disabled"

Hi Folks


I just jumped into this and got APM with airspeed, ublox GPS, and magnetometer.

Build was easy due to excellent instructions on the wiki.

I uploaded code and went through CLI setup as per instruction and ran as well as test code from library.

Every test works, imu, radio, gyro, acc, pressure, GPS etc. Also ground testing of stabilization works - so very close to test fly


BUT any tests I run about compass - I get nothing or it says "Disabled"


I bought HMC5843 - Triple Axis Magnetometer Rev 1.2 just a week ago so presumably the problems I read about it were fixed. I soldered it to the board exactly as per instruction. It already came with solder jumpers set for 5V.

I understand version 1 code does not support mag, but I only want to test it. Also I loaded latest APM 2.0xx code and still no joy on mag

Do I have to do something to Activate it??? or is it faulty?


Thanks for your help


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  • Al,


    Did you do a "compass on" from the setup menu? I was having similar troubles - could test the compass using the code from the examples folder but kept getting a compass disabled message from the APM 2.x software. Then I discovered I needed to turn it on from the setup menu. Doh!



  • 3D Robotics
    Sounds like a soldering problem or faulty board. Please contact the store's tech support team.
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