MAV doesn't respond with MISSION_ITEM_REACHED

Hi All,

Actually I was looking for the way from which I can find out whether the MAV has reached the particular mission item or not then, I came across this message(MISSION_ITEM_REACHED(#46)) that announces the sequence number of the mission item that has been reached by the MAV. But, when I try it for testing I didn't get any message from the MAV like this. so what's wrong with this message ? Is Ardupilot firmware doesn't implement this message or something else ?
Thanks in advance for help.
Murtaza Bagwala

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  • Developer

    It's not implemented in the Ardupilot code. It does announce when it's heading to the next waypoint. i.e. Waypoint current message 

    • Ok but how could I come to know that whether my mission is completed or not. I mean is there any message which MAV announces when it reaches last waypoint 

      • Developer
        I'd suggest setting up the simulator SITL and doing some tests see
        • I did but didn't get any confirmation or message which suggests whether the mission is completed or not

          • Developer
            Add an extra WP at the last location, say to loiter indefinitely, when that waypoint becomes active you know you have ended.
            • Yeah I think that would be great. Thanks Bill

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