
I was able to get the beeping to stop by setting my RC3_MIN to below 1140. I currently have it set at 1130 and have since adjusted my transmitter to make min throttle around 1100 and max around 1800 using the THR C/V. 

I am still looking into why this works and I plan to make a video or blog documenting these solutions, but if you end up with the same problem with DJI E300 ESCs, know that this is what worked for me. 

Good Luck and feel free to message me for questions!



  • With transmitter powered on, my min throttle is over 1300 (~1325). It fluctuates but it's giving all kinds of errors
  • When safety is off, ESCs do normal slow beep. When the safety is solid red, ESCs beeping very fast, will not spin.
  • Safety switch did NOT disarm my copter. After a slightly hard landing, props kept spinning, could not disarm with remote, pressed and held safety switch, but the pixhawk did not disarm until I disconnected the battery for more than 15 seconds. Would not arm again.

Attached is the log of the last flight I was able to make. I can't throttle up so I haven't been able to do any more flights :(

My Craft:

  • DJI F450 ARF (450 frame, E300 ESCs, DJI 920kv motors, 9x4 props)
  • Pixhawk with Arducopter 3 + UBlox 3D GPS / Compass
  • 3DR Radio Telemetry Kit
  • 3DR PPM Encoder
  • Turnigy 9x Transmitter / Turnigy 8 Channel receiver

The longer story (optional):

I recently needed to get a new receiver for my quadcopter after accidentally cutting the antenna on the original. For the first half dozen flights everything was great. There was a tiny bit of drift but I don't think there were any issues. A few days later I tried to fly again and after a couple good flights I hit the ground a tiny bit hard and the props kept spinning in the grass (above the "armed" spin level, they wouldn't be safely stopped by hand). I was unable to disarm with my transmitter and I ended up having to press and hold the safety switch which stopped the propellers. I couldn't get it to arm again and after connecting it to my computer the status was still "ARMED". I unplugged the battery for more than a minute and plugged it back in and it was finally DISARMED. Since then I haven't been able to get it to arm.

In an effort to try and fly again, I took it to the field but when I tried to arm it I got the error "RC Not Calibrated". I tried RC Calibration several times and finally found some documentation that said RC values over 1300 were considered uncalibrated, but my minimum throttle is over 1300.

I tried disabling the pre-arm checks but throttling up doesn't work. When I press and hold the safety switch the ESCs go from the slow beeping to a very fast beeping and will not spin. I can get it to the ARMED state but the ESCs are still beeping and throttling up will not make any of the motors spin.

Any ideas?


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