MiniAPM v3.1


I noticed a reference to this in a blog post:

It looks too-good-to-be-true to me.

I was wondering if anyone had already purchaed one of these, and if so - are they any good?


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          • thank you for the correction

            i got to upstairs and test the GPS and it showing my house position now , however it still showing "Bad Compass Health" i follow this picture to rewire it3702826584?profile=original

            but i didnt do the wire soldering like the one i green circled .... is it a must to do so? cause my GPS board seems different then the one on the picture....or the "Bad Compass Health " cause of something eles ? my table dont have any electric right now excpet the board and the monitor ....any advise ? 

            • Question? Do you have to do this if you have the 3DR GPS?

              Thanks in advance...

            • David, read the threat, its all about the mini apm


              thats your GPS I think?

              RC Groups - View Single Post - Witespy "mini" ReadyToFlyer 2.6 v3.1 for APM
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      • Thanks Dieter

        Yes I spent a little time and figured out the connections on the Mini APM for GPS/Compass however I have no idea which cable is which on the GPS/Compass unit itself

        They have the standard connectors for an APM


      • The green Chinese characters in the first pic means:

        The solder pad pointed by the arrow here has the same functionality as the JP2 jumper on an APM. It is used for firmware upgrade.

        And white in the second pic:

        Telemetry port, pins from left to right are GND, 5V, TX, RX

        • Hi Ye Wang,

          could you please explain this deeper? I thought Jumper2 on the Mini is jumper1 on the apm.

          what have this to do with firmware upgrade? Where is jumper2 located on the APM? I upgraded firmware on mini without jp2.


      • I'm surprised that there is an internal compass jumper on these boards (I hadn't noticed that before) as the spec states 'No onboard compass'. Strange.

        Out of interest, did the (external) compass work before you cut the jumper?

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