MinimOSD and PAL

I have just bought a Minim OSD and got it all soldered up. I am running it on the ground rather than in the plane as I want to be able to see the OSD even if the video glitches when I am at long range.


I have encountered a strange problem that I am hoping I can get some help with. When I plug the OSD into my goggles or computer without an input video stream into the OSD, I can see the OSD perfectly with a black background. All of the information coming from the plane is there and it responds. Once I plug in the video feed from my video Rx, the OSD information just dissapears, all I can see is the video feed. It's clear, but there is no OSD information any more. As soon as I unplug the video input into the OSD, the OSD information reappears on my screen, with a black background.


I did some playing around, and it appears that the PAL signal being put out by the OSD is a PAL M type. Which is 60Hz and 15.750kHZ horizontal freq. I checked the specs of my PAL camera on the plane, and it is 50Hz with a 15.625kHz horizontal freq, also known as PAL N.


Could this difference by the cause of my problem? Is the minimOSD having problems syncing the camera feed to the OSD layer? Is there any way to fix this in the firmware?




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  • I have a 600tvl camera and having the same issues you descibe.. even with latest config tool and firmware.. (v1.0 MinimOSD)

    I have another camera a 480tvl one it it works fine..

    Reset button doesent work for me.. either I have to power up MinimOSd first then camera or unplug video from MinimOSD and plug back in..  after that I get OSD overlay ok..

    Have soldered the pads on the back for PAL (pal camera) but I understand in latest firmware that the pal/ntsc setting is setup in the config tool and that the pad is ignore ?..

    Is there a fix for this.. ?.. or is it the case that the chipset doesent support high tvl cameras ?

  • I have the same problem with minimOSD, Gopro HD1 cam, and APM2.O

    OSD displays fine. Soon as I plug cam in, OSD dissapears and video is seen.

    I am using osd powered by apm (connections on osd closed) no power going in or out on opposite side of osd.

  • James,


    If you connect the video out from the camera straight to the OSD (without the TX/Rx) will it display correctly?

  • Ok, some more investigating reveals this - If I plug the output from a DVD player into the MinimOSD, I can see the OSD display over the top of it. Everything works as if it was in the plane. If I put the output from my Duo5800v2 rx into the MinimOSD, all I get is the video and no OSD. If I unplug the video, I can immediately see the OSD layer against a black background.

    So the cause appears to be something in what the reciever is doing to the video output I guess. Or possibly the camera itself. The camera is a WDR700 from BEV RC (PAL camera). The resolution of these is quite high at 795x596, but close to a DVD.

    Is the chip unable to manage resolutions this high? What is the resolution of the OSD itself? Are there only certain cameras that work with MinimOSD? If so, this needs to be made very clear when buying one.


    If it is the receiver, does anyone know if it would be doing something special with the image? Don't they just output whatever the camera was outputing?


    I'd really appreciate some help on this.Are there any MinimOSD gurus out there?




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