MinimOSD Extra for Airspace Warning?

I'm working on a project where we are attempting to transmit a warning on 5.8GHz when a drone enters a restricted airspace, and figured there has to be  an easy way to implement MinimOSD or similar. The current through it to just hook up a camera with the lens cap on, and overlay a warning message such as "WARNING - RESTRICTED AREA" that would flash momentarily.

I'd like to try and change the "no data" so that I don't need to fake some telemetry to get it to work, but am utterly lost as to where to find that or how to do it.

Thoughts.... Suggestions... Offers to make the change for a fee?



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  • Are you just saying that you want the OSD to show "WARNING - RESTRICTED AREA" when a Mission Planner Geo-Fence Event is triggered and hide the rest of the data until you exit the restricted area?

  • Andre, I think we are talking past eachother...

    I'm planning to use a camera, and the minimOSD setup, just modify the characters to change the message.


  • It's one thing to properly time things to a video stream , when a dedicated chip perfectly understands sync (when scanlines change)  and output some data.

    It's something completely different to hit some modulated data at a (unknown to you) distance, just the varying time your "modification" based on your perceived timing (where you are) would need correction to a signal recieved somewhere else. with a very different latency between the UAV and user, and YOU and that user.  (and - you do not know where the user is.)

    Mostly - your injectied signal would also need straight line of view to wherever rx is.

    And that's before I mention signal polarization, strength, etc, etc.

  • Thanks for the response Andre, but how is this different than what MinimOSD is already doing for me? I can already change the characters and adapt the outputs from the telemetry data, vehicle info, etc, I'm just looking to use a static version rather than needing the data feed... Essentially changing the characters from saying "NO DATA" to "RESTRICTED ZONE".

    Not saying you are wrong, just not seeing how it is so dramatically different.


    Andre K. said:

    sounds like you think you can just inject an overlay to another analog video transmission.

    the "project" is a waste of time, for several reasons, but essentially because you do not understand how such transmissions are made and what it takes to do something like that.

    sorry for shooting down you ambition, just trying to save you some time.

  • sounds like you think you can just inject an overlay to another analog video transmission.

    the "project" is a waste of time, for several reasons, but essentially because you do not understand how such transmissions are made and what it takes to do something like that.

    sorry for shooting down you ambition, just trying to save you some time.

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