MinimOSD only works once Mission Planner connects

I just upgraded to the Extra firmware and it is configured and works great...but only after I connect the laptop or phone using MP.  When I watch the startup it says connecting and looks like everything works, but it's all zeros. I'm using a pixhawk, updated to 3.2 I believe...

The instant I connect with my phone or laptop using the 3DR radios, I have all the data available on the MinimOSD.  Is there a setting I am missing?


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  • Moderator

    If you are using a patch cable to connect both the MinimOSD and a Telemetry Radio, only the Telemetry Radio should have the TX line connected to the APM 2.xx. From what I remember of the subject, the Telemetry radio initiates the request for Mavlink messages to begin. SO until that occurs no data will appear on the MinimOSD data fields. If you are not using a Telemetry system, simply connect the TX line from the MinimOSD to the APM 2.xx and you should start receiving messages immediately! Otherwise you will need to connect to MP in order to start Mavlink messages flowing. On the Pixhawk there are two separate Telemetry channels that operate independently of each other so you can have the TX line from each device connected to the Pixhawk at the same time. I know I've seen a board diagram a user made at one point in time which had an exposed set of three pins that would accept a jumper that allowed you to quickly change the connection point of the TX line to the APM 2.xx; this would allow you to quickly change the configuration so you could fly with the MinimOSD and not need to connect the telemetry radio to MP.


    Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

  • I have exactly the same problem. OSD does not get the data from APM until the telemetry linked to computer or tablet. Sorry I can't help but you are not alone.

  • I upgraded my quadcopter firmware and since then the minim osd does not work at all. any idea? 

    • Moderator

      What version were you using before and after the firmware update? Also what hardware are you using?


      Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

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