Hello everyone,
I just set up my MinimOSD with the latest firmware 1.9 and char set and installed it on my airplane with APM 2 running the latest version of ArduPlane.
However on the screen, I get the video overlaid with "Waiting for MAVlink Hearbeats".
I tried resetting the board, and it reboots but again gets to the same thing.
My OSD board has the 2 solder blobs - i.e. I am powering the board with the 5V input from APM.
Let me know what might be the issue here - I tried everything I could think of - Resetting the APM board, intact even re-uploading the code etc etc...
Same problem with "Waiting for MAVlink Hearbeat", It's been more than two hours since I try to make it work but on the screen I get the same error message.
I tried to modify the params SR3 as Sandro Benigno suggested , you can see bellow the modified list
Also tried to reverse TX with RX .. same thing :(
Anyone can give me some advices ?
thank you.
Well, I connected MinimOSd for the first time. Never used Telemetry on this setup before.
Yes I am connecting both the Tx and Rx on the MinimOSD-APM2 ( in addition to the +ve / -ve )
I am connecting as described here :
No ground station or XBEE involved here. Simple MinimOSD-APM 2 connection ..
Aaah . One thought - Does the Tx marked on the above link go to the Rx marked on the APM board and vice versa ?
If that is the case, then i think it needs to be better documented.
Did it used to work? Has the OSD tx line been connected, or does the APM talk to a ground station via an XBEE?